September 19, 2024

Handicrafts can never ever be rooted out from the Indian’s tradition. India has always been a country with a great history, culture and traditions and handicrafts are one of them. About 70% of the Indians are earning some amount from this industry in some way.

There is a great demand even in the International markets and also the demand has never been decreased with the passage of time. If you also want to show your talent and want to be popular, you can go for online selling of your product including dress material online in India. It is far easier and economical to sell your crafts online by joining with a developed site as compared with setting up a new site or store. This is the cheapest and the most efficient way of selling and promoting your work.

Most of the customers visit online stores before going out for a purchase. If you have really good skills which can attract some good customers, you don’t need to worry. You will get a good price for your work. You can always keep a check on your products and what is more in demand. If you are new to this, here are some important tips which can be really helpful for you in selling your handicrafts online:-

Where to Sell

The first big question comes to your mind is where to sell. There are lots of online websites which offer this service but choosing one is not an easy task. Choosing a good platform is very important. Many customers search for handcrafted gifts online. Opening your own selling platform can be a good option if you have a big industry and some amount to invest but if you don’t want to, select one some questions such as:

  • Website Charges
  • Payment options
  • Interference of website
  • Ratings and Reviews for the site
  • Number of International Buyers

How to make your handicrafts look branded

Most of the customers get attracted by the products looks. To attract more and more customers, presentation of your good is very important. Thus, pay some attention towards

  • Photos: if you are selling online, you need some good photo capturing skills. A good photo can attract many people. Try capturing a product’s photo with different angles and select the best one from them.
  • Packaging: the other way to make your product look branded is packaging. A packaging should not only be a designer but also should protect the product from damage. You can get your product get packed professionally which can increase your product’s demand.

How to be first in Search results

You might have heard about the keywords and SEO. This is very important as most of the customers searching online click the first link which appears in the search result. So, choose some good keywords. Tagging are words which are added to an image. Be more descriptive, so you cover some good keywords and you can be found easily.

How to build trust

This is equally important as selling products online. You need to build the trust between customers and you so they purchase repeatedly instead of only one time. You can give the services like return policy and fast delivery for making trust.