September 12, 2024

Milk thistle is a supplement that helps in the proper functioning of liver and also protects the liver from getting toxic. This is scientifically named as Silybum Marianum. The name milk thistle is derived because of the white liquid fluid that comes from the leaves of the plant.



  • Silymarin is used for the treatment of many diseases like hepatitis, liver cirrhosis and much type of disorders that are related to the gall bladder.
  • This works as an anti diabetic agent and is also an antioxidant.
  • This can also be used as a solution to reduce inflammation in the body.
  • Silymarin can be used as a cardio protective agent.
  • Silymarin can also be useful for the treatment of the patients who are suffering from diabetes mellitus.
  • This helps in reducing the level of bad cholesterol and increases the content of good cholesterol.
  • Many of the problems that are related to obesity and coronary artery get reduced by Silymarin.
  • The use of the glucose get improved and the level of glucose decreases for the diabetes patients
  • Prevents the kidney and liver from getting toxic.
  • Prevents the body from getting affected with cancer and many contagious diseases.
  • Milk thistle tinctures can be effective in protecting from certain infections and stones in the gall bladder. This can also prevent the individual from anxiety and depression.

The plant can be prepared in the form of a tincture .The medicated effect of the plant can be available in the seeds and also in the stem of the plant. The tincture can be easily prepared by the below method.

First the seeds of the plant need to be grinded. Next the grinded seeds need to be kept in jar that is sealed and the jar need to be filled with vodka of good quality. The jar need to be closed tightly and the same should be shaked gently in every three days. This should be repeated for around 8 weeks of time. Then it becomes ready to use. The contents should be mixed in a proper way and the eyedropper can be used to extract the number of drops .The tincture need to be concentrated into an easy form and should be used with caution. In case of the patients who are suffering from liver problems should avoid using this supplement. This is because the alcohol content that is present in this may be harmful for the liver. For such patients oral tablets are more preferable to use.


The milk thistle tincture can be used by taking a dose of 3 drops for three times in a day. This can be continued for some days before taking the decision whether the dose need to be increased. The dose of the tincture depends on the weight of the person, sex and diet. This can also depend on the health status of the person.

Milk thistle tincture will be having mild side effects like the stomach problem and headache.