A new quiz is out in the world and it looks like it has a lot of questions on it. So, if you want to try to answer some of the questions, we have provided some answers below. If you want to try your luck and answer some questions, we are giving away $100 in cash prizes. Good luck and check it out!
You can also try answering more general knowledge questions. Just type in your answer to the quiz.
What is World Quiz?
World Quiz is a new trivia game that is being developed by a group of developers led by Dutch developer Simon Stalmans. There are currently 28 questions available, but more will be added over the next few weeks. The players will have to answer each question by typing their answer in the text box provided. The answers that you enter will appear in the text box to help you as well as your opponents. There is also a timer that can be used to indicate how fast you can answer a question.
How to Play
To play the game, you will be asked a question. If you are quick to answer the question, you will be rewarded with more points. The difficult person test will also have an opportunity to answer questions and try to compete against each other. A lot of time and effort is going into the game so far and they are looking to add more features.
Some of the features that you can expect to see in the game are:
A leader board
A game store
While a leader board is not in the game yet, it is one of the features that the developers are looking to add to the game. The leader board will allow players to compare their scores with other players.