March 13, 2025
5 Mind Blowing Office Gadgets To Own

This article is worth the read and believe me, if I can write this at the very start then I genuinely think that it will be useful to you. Today, sitting in my chair at the office thinking about the every thing that consumes my time, I make a list of everything that I could save a little time on, to make important stuff easier to do. So then after surfing the entire working day about things that can make my work a little easier, I now write this article to share my founding to you. Please read :

1. DeskCycle

Working all the time at your desk for long stretches at a time in case of deadlines and lots of loads of work, keeping yourself free from the growing pains and body stiffness might be a difficult task to do. Deskcycle is a simple and compact mini cycle cum exercise machine bike that helps you burn calories and also works wonderfully regarding overall health, mood and brain power. So while at work, taking pedalling breaks is your step to fitness and smartwork.

2. USB Powered Cup Warmer

Emergency time it is, you are all worked up and then you think – Wait! Coffee might help! But then you settle down again, for there is no time to waste walking to the canteen and waiting in line for a cup of coffee that takes almost ages to boil and come out hot. And sometimes you are enjoying the coffee and then you are called for an immediate meeting that too seems to last for ages. This cup warmer then, has come to my (and yours now) rescue. This is as simple as like charging your phone. Yea, just plug the warmer and see your coffee remain warm as long as you wish.

3. The iStick Desktop Organizer

Oh yes, this is the one thing I am dying to own. With all the clutter that keeps annoying me every time I look at my desk, this has surely fallen like a gift from the heavens. A simple organizer, this multi-function desktop organiser features a cup holder, pen holder, letter opener, slot for your favourite photos, memo pad box, business card box, multi-storage box, mobile phone slot, multi-card reader (Micro SD, SD/MMC, XD, MS/MS PRO DUO), 3-port USB hub and a paper holder. Now tell me, what else does one need at the office for a perfect organizer. Personally, a must have I’d say.

4. Ostrichpillow

Okay, so here is one reason why you should really thank your workplace – They let you have power naps. And then you really have one reason to thank me – For introducing to you this wonderful piece of technology’s boon to humankind, that works that is. This pillow is a mini sized cloth of heaven, magically designed to suit your head shape and acting along perfectly well to let you have a refreshing and peaceful power naps that help you work extra efficiently.

5. Henry Desk Vacuum

Now the revolutionary vacuum cleaning company is back with this mini version of its previous immensely successful product – The Vacuum Cleaner. Yes, the henry office desk cleaner is a simple mini vacuum cleaner that mainly helps you in cleaning the dust and crumbs that somehow, however clean you try to put it, come up and settle on your desk. Specially, this one is computer savy as it helps you clean up shining surface.

So now that I found these extremely helpful, why don’t you check them out. I think they are really helpful to every person for any kind of office. Here is another amazing news for you. They are the exciting Amazon Offers and Amazon Cashback at Savemonk. Try them all out soon and yes, tell me how you liked them.

Peaceful Working.