March 4, 2025

Though we live in the generation of advanced technologies we know very few things about technology we use and technology we see. Technology helps the people to an extent where people become over ruled by technology. Technology gradually entered our life and made a permanent residing and started ruling us in all the aspects. People become convinced to use any type of technology as they think that they need it compulsory. The interesting part of the technology is it took control of our daily life through the devices we use in our day to day life. We see everywhere in our home, business centers, companies, public places, offices, hospitals and in all other places technology is present and used. Technology has become unavoidable and everyday there are new and advanced technologies in which we attracted to it.t

Most of the people know computer and use compute whereas all the people who use computers use internet. Day by day there is advanced technology in internet technology and computer technology. When we take online we see differ technologies arrive one after other that simplifies our life. Most of the new technologies are developed from the existing technology when the new technology arrives replaces the older one. People immediately adapt to the new technology since it has multiple benefits than the earlier technology. Whenever a new technology is released the research and the study about the new technology is also released from which the techies cam understand about the new technology.

Technology proves that:

There is no end for innovation – Innovation is set of ideas that arrive at anytime without ceasing whenever a new technology from the existing technology is planned. A solution to fix the errors and fall shorts in the existing technology will be the open door for new technology. Most probably new technology is nothing but replacement of errors and problems in existing technology.

There is no end for competition – Whenever new technology or advanced technology is arrived it becomes the reason for tough competition between the businesses and other who adapt it and who are yet to adapt it. The one, who uses the advanced technology as best as possible, can be a challenging competition to others. Every day the pace of the competition will change because of the advanced technologies.


There is no end for adaptability – Whatever the advanced technology may be, there will be a compulsory situation, in which most of the people should have to adapt to it since everyone around us will start to use it and we have no other go. Total society will adapt to it so everyone will have to adapt irrespective of the use and personal wish.

 There is no end for increase in experts – Once advanced technology is released there should be experts to handle it in different aspects. So techies will get updated with the advanced technology and they become expert in that. Each technology has experts who can handle and fix it like no other person.

Likewise technology has taken the control over the world where the technology becomes the master to the man who invented it.