October 25, 2024

With a billion users worldwide, a lot of people consider Instagram as the king of social media. People use this social networking site to post photos and share memories. They interact with their family, friends, and colleagues by commenting and liking posts. More and more people are using Instagram. This makes it a growing target for people who want to hack a Instagram account.

Cyber thieves have various reasons for snatching Instagram accounts. They do not hack accounts of the rich and famous only but also those of ordinary folks. You might be wondering why a hacker would want to have an account of a normal average person. Here are some of the most common reasons.


Facebook now owns Instagram. Almost everyone knows that Facebook is taking down a lot of accounts. It has tightened its security and took steps to get rid of fake and dummy accounts. Facebook usually does not delete verified accounts of real people. Hackers are after these accounts for their legitimacy. They steal existing, well-used accounts that seem legitimate instead of creating new accounts. There are several reasons why hackers want a legitimate account.


Hackers sell hacked accounts to different people. A lot of people are buying Instagram accounts for varying purposes. Some use them to spread spam or propaganda. There are also scrupulous people who use them to squeeze money from their owners. There are also those who use the accounts to trick the unknowing friends of the owner to lend them money. In rare cases, they are also used to influence elections.


Some hackers use hacked Instagram accounts for exploitation. There are many accounts of wonderful young girls posting their cute photos. These girls posted with no malicious intent. The hackers will use these photos for nefarious activities. They sometimes sell these photos for sex trafficking.

Retrieving a hacked Instagram account can be very liberating for some. They feel like they regained their lost identity. It is now easier to get back a hacked account if you are the legitimate owner. The two-factor authentication system can now help protect you from hackers. The recovery process of hacked Instagram accounts is actually not very easy. Compared to other social networking sites, Instagram has a more complex process. This prevents hackers from using it to claim accounts that are not actually theirs. It is best to take the necessary precautions to keep your Instagram safe and secure.